ZEISS scatterControl for Exceptional Image Quality

ZEISS scatterControl significantly improves the image quality of CT scans and reduces scatter artifacts to a minimum. These improvements enable subsequent data management and evaluation steps for suitable parts, resulting in even more accurate surface determination and defect analysis.
ZEISS scatterControl is ideal for highly voluminous and dense parts, such as additively manufactured metal parts and aluminium cast parts, even with steel inlays, as well as for other assemblies containing denser materials.
Superior Quality Due to Module Positioning
ZEISS scatterControl is positioned between the tube and the detector. Smaller objects like dense additively manufactured parts are placed in front of the module, larger objects behind it. The built-in physical collision sensor and the sophisticated collision prediction software effectively prevent crashes.

ZEISS scatterControl is ideal for a range of parts, especially highly voluminous and dense parts, and different industries such as: Foundry (massive aluminum or magnesium parts, even with steel inlays), Automotive (castings with steel inlays, power electronics), and Additive manufacturing (dense, metal printed parts).
Improved 3D Inspection
Improvements on the volume data result in much easier evaluation. 3D surfaces are determined and rendered without distracting artifacts. Many artifacts are typically a result of scattered radiation and cause 3D pseudo surfaces that prevent accurate measurement.
Take a look at the improved quality of 2D slices and 3D surfaces thanks to ZEISS scatterControl.
Benefit from ZEISS scatterControl
Better image quality, better defect detection: The module significantly improves CT image quality by reducing the occurrence of artifacts caused by scattered radiation. The increased contrast simplifies defect detection considerably.
Improved surface determination: The overall quality of surface determination benefits from ZEISS scatterControl. This is a considerable advantage for metrology applications on challenging parts.
Fast scanning with VAST mode: ZEISS scatterControl works in both ‘Stop and Go’ and VAST scanning mode.
Easy to use: As a one-click solution, the module works seamlessly with other useful features, such as VHD, AMMAR or VoluMerge, and is fully integrated in the software.
Carl Zeiss India (Bangalore) Pvt Ltd is present at Hall & Stall: 3/3A-12. For more information on the company and its offerings: www.zeiss.co.in/metrology For more info mail at [email protected]